Are You Ready For Fall? Here are some tips…

Wind, hail and damage caused by rain entering a building are among the most common causes of property damage for our home insurance customers. To help protect homeowner property and belongings, we at Benton White Insurance recommend focusing on the roof, which is especially vulnerable to inclement weather conditions. Here are some great tips that will help you get fall ready – furnished by one of our team company’s – Travelers Insurance Company.
  • Trim trees and remove dead branches so they do not damage your home or injure someone if they fall because of wind, ice or snow.
  • Check for damage to your roof, and clean gutters and downspouts to keep debris from accumulating. This is especially important during the fall season to keep leaves from building up in gutters.
  • Consider impact-resistant roofing material if you live in a hail prone area and are planning to build or replace the roof on your home.
  • Add extra insulation in the attic to guard against ice dams. If too much heat escapes, it can melt the ice and snow on the roof. When it refreezes, it can cause an ice dam, which can lead to water damage inside your home.
  • Check the flashing on the roof to make sure it is in good condition to help prevent water penetration.
  • Inspect your roof regularly for maintenance issues that could make it more susceptible to hail and other damage, including surface bubbles and areas with missing gravel on flat roofs or missing or damaged shingles or tiles on sloped roofs.
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We want you to know how to save deductible money and some of these tips will certainly further protect you from possible claims on your home or property. If you have any questions, we’re here to help! EMAIL us at or call any of our team members at 615.377.1212. We’re not only here to furnish you insurance coverage, we want you to understand how to make that insurance work best for you too!

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