Guess who is TOP 5 in sinkholes?

Billboards are showing up, lawyers are moving to Tennessee and news reports have begun. The subject: SINKHOLES and Tennessee happens to be one of the top 5 states with the highest risk for sinkholes.

Sinkholes like the ones that have formed recently in Florida and even here in Middle Tennessee are caused by ground water eroding soft rock such as limestone several feet below the surface. When the limestone gets washed away enough by underground streams, the soil above can collapse, causing a sinkhole. With the rain we have had this year, our risk for more sinkholes goes way up.

Here is a map of Tennessee showing risk for sinkholes. The blue & especially red indicates the highest risk for sinkholes to form.

Since sinkholes are quite frequent in the state, there are a few things you should check if you have a house or plan on buying one.

  • Check your insurance. Insurance companies are required to offer sinkhole protection, but you might have to ask for it.
  • Consult with an engineer or geologist to survey the home.
  • Instead of having rainwater just go down the gutter on the side of your home, the water can be redirected away from your home which can cut your risk.
  • You can look for cracks in the foundation, windows, & doors. Deep cracks in your driveway or sidewalks could also be signs. It could just be the house settling so check with an expert if you notice any of these things

We in the insurance industry knew sinkhole events were increasing and could increase legal liability/claim issues in the future when we began to see billboard advertisements like the one here that is currently posted in the Ellington Parkway area of Nashville. It’s documented that successful lawyers who represented many in Florida are opening up offices in our area to do the same for sinkhole issues in our state.

This will cost us all money in increased premiums if this becomes the issue it potentially could become. We’re watching this closely at Benton White Insurance. Our policies offer sinkhole protection if our customer wants it included on their property policies. Contact us if we can help by emailing us at or call any of the staff at 615.377.1212. We’re here to earn your business!

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