This is a good article from Forbes about a less common but essential insurance policy. A rise in liability law suits is leaving the potential payouts to be astronomical. You don’t have to be a billionaire to fall foul to these types of actions. Read the full article here at Forbes: The 1% Fear Being […]
Mobile Use Is Now The Leading Cause of Death Behind The Wheel
Keep Your Eyes On The Road! We cannot impress upon our customers, friends, family and the general public enough that using a mobile phone behind the wheel can kill you, your passengers or fellow drivers! How fast would your reaction be if you had been in this movie theater?! Watch this very effective video from […]
Roofs, Roofs, Roofs!
We have talked a lot about roofs to our customers in the last couple of years. The reason is that we have replaced so many roofs because of straight line wind and hail damage. In my agency alone, we have replaced over $1,000,000 in roofs in the last 24 months. The costs to insurance companies […]
Teen Driving Series Continued: Texting & No Seatbelts
Since summer months are high claim filing months as it pertains to teenage drivers and accidents, we continue to emphasize risks facing teen drivers and how to prevent some of these accidents we see at this time of the year. This is real stuff! We have had claims in the last week here in the […]