As a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare), an acronym that has been around for a while has escalated in popularity especially lately! Have you heard of QLE? Qualifying Life Event is now a major barrier or door opener in the world of individual medical insurance. Before ACA, one could apply for […]
Have you made a mistake with your insurance?
Insurance is a big subject! Policy coverage’s come in all shapes and sizes and it is easy for one to miss something important in their insurance portfolio if they are not educated appropriately. At Benton White Insurance, we have always thought that education of insurance is as important or maybe more important than buying insurance. […]
Break into a car! It's OK if…..
I am blessed to have nearly 10 grandchildren (latest one to arrive the end of September!). So, when I hear about children left in cars in the summer and there are deaths, I pay attention. I can understand how absent minded-too many things on a parents’ minds can cause this to happen but I still […]
Meth, Knives & Corkscrews – New Tennessee laws now in effect and some pertain to insurance!
Every July 1, there are new laws that go into effect in our country and specifically in our state that have local interest. Some of the new laws that are now in effect have insurance implications. Here is a list that summarizes these changes: 1. KNIFE POSSESSION A new law overrides local restrictions on knives, […]