Claims and how one of our companies steps up to the plate!

 Often, when some­one asks us to quote their insur­ance, they want to know how does the com­pany do when there is a claim.  Some­times, a video can tell a story with words and actions bet­ter than we can some­times explain it.

I recently added Kem­per Pre­ferred to our port­fo­lio of com­pa­nies!  I spent over a year inter­view­ing sev­eral car­ri­ers and came to a very pos­i­tive con­clu­sion that Kem­per Pre­ferred fit my busi­ness plan like a glove.  They’re cus­tomer con­scious, they under­stand ser­vice is much more than a buzz word and they are there when you need them if you have a claim.  Let the fol­low­ing video be an exam­ple of how they step up to the plate in a cat­a­strophic storm like Hur­ri­cane Sandy late last year!  They saw the task ahead and moved in to take care of their insureds.  Just another rea­son why I’m glad they have joined our agency to pro­duce the same kind of excel­lent ser­vice right here in Mid­dle Tennessee!

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