Renting A Car? Will you get the most for your money?

If you read our blog post from this past Friday, Renting a car? Then, TAKE A PICTURE!, then you know we have been talking about rental cars. We want you to get the most from your rental but at the same time, appropriately protect yourself at the same time.

Today, we offer you an informative video from Christopher Elliott, Travel Editor at USA TODAY. He shares specific information about what you might consider when renting a car. All of his tips in this video that follows could make a real difference for you the next time you rent a car.
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We get questions consistently about these topics and of course the number 1 question: “Am I covered by my insurance if I rent a car!??” You can find more about that in last Friday’s blog post or in the FAQ section on our website. Click here for an answer.
Thanks for reading and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you as you deal with all types of insurance. We can help! Contact us at or call any of our staff at 615.377.1212. We’re always ready to earn your business!

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