Questions Dead People don't ask – Survivors do!

This is one of those tough subjects to write about but I get questions like this several times a year. As a matter of fact, I got this very question last week:
A son-in-law, handling the affairs of his wife’s mother who had died that morning: “Just checking to see if they had any life insurance with you. I know you handle their auto and home.”
A grieving wife called me 15 minutes after she found her husband dead on the garage floor – sobbing uncontrollably – called me with desperate hope: “I know he had life insurance with you at some point, does he still have it now!?”
A business owner’s son who had worked with him in his Dad’s business all of his life lost his Dad to cancer and called asking: “I know you handle our commercial insurance. Did Dad happen to have a life insurance policy with you!?”
Unfortunately, my answer to all of these questions was no. Actually, I tend to have to say no more than I get to say…”No problem, he/she had life insurance and you have the money you need to take care of you and your family going forward.” It’s personally painful to me when I have to say NO! But when I can say YES, that satisfaction for both of us is enormous!
I was taught an insurance principal that was patterned after one of the greatest life insurance sales people ever, Ben Feldman. He had some great thoughts about life insurance and to this day, I have not forgotten these:

“Life insurance is time. The time a man might not have. If he needs time, he needs life insurance.”

“The basic purpose of life insurance is to create cash nothing more or nothing less. Everything else confuses and complicates.”

“Life Insurance is the only tool that takes pennies and guarantees dollars.”

“Every man has problems that only life insurance can solve. In the young man’s case, the problem is to create cash; for the older man, to conserve it.”
I’m especially fond of the phrase: “…..takes pennies and guarantees dollars.” If these people in my examples above could do it all over again, they would have made sure the life insurance on the person they just lost was in-force and ready if he/she expired without it.
I write a LOT of life insurance. In the last 30 days, I’ve written more than $5,000,000 in life insurance coverage. These applicants were willing to give up pennies so their family could have dollars when they are gone. Peace of mine for the applicant; peace of mind for the survivor(s).
So what about you? Do you read this and think … “I’ll do it later” and later never comes and your family is left holding debt and bills with no measurable income to take care of your lost income when you are gone!??
We can help and it’s simple to do. Our process is cutting edge and I’ve been told numerous times it’s the easiest way they have ever seen to apply for and get a life insurance policy. Contact my staff or me personally at or call us at 615.377.1212. Don’t leave those you love hanging with nothing to take care of them when you’re gone.
As Mr. Feldman said: “Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And, quite often, doing nothing costs a lot more!”

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