Entire family 2023

My THANKS to each and every one of you.

So here we are at the end of another year!  As I sit at this keyboard to type something for this blog, all that ever comes to mind is to type – THANK YOU!

THANK YOU! to YOU most of all – for your loyalty to what we have done over these 45 years.  Many of you have been with me my ENTIRE CAREER and that loyalty is hard for me to even grasp much less show enough appreciation for it.

THANK YOU! to my staff!  Mandy is my right and left arm and some days – my feet for more than 12 years :-).  Right behind her is Erin, Maggie, and Hannah who get the work done on days when it feels like they won’t see the bottom of the pile.

THANK YOU! to my insurance companies for seeing what we do as successful so they would step into my agency and support us – some of them – all of my career.  They have never wavered in their loyalty either.  Grateful!

THANK YOU! to the insurance company reps, underwriters plus home & branch office personnel who hear the challenges we present on behalf of our clients and do their best to accommodate in almost all instances.  

THANK YOU! to our vendors who we hire to work with us to make what we do less complicated.  They help us to flow in our processes so that we can serve our clients in the most efficient and quickest way possible.  

And MOST OF ALL … THANK YOU! to my wife and our family.  Martha now knows more than she probably ever wanted to know about insurance because she hears a lot about it from me.  Grateful for her support! And for the rest of our family – including our four kids (not kids any longer – they’re in their 40s) and their spouses who have blessed us with 11 grandchildren who affectionately call me Poppy who believe I do something in insurance!  Love them all and they certainly give me many reasons to get up and get at it every day.

We’re preparing for another growing year with challenges in the market in 2024!  Thanks for riding along with us.  Yes – there will be “bumps in the road” but we’ll continue to do our best to smooth them out as we journey together.  THANK YOU! for the continued opportunity to work with you on your insurance!

Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in ’24.

Benton P. White
Owner, Benton White Insurance

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