Insurance Agents Have House Fires Too!

When I saw this news video of an insurance agent walking through her fire ravaged home from last Friday’s storms, it caught my attention. The sad part of the story, besides the fact that she lost her home, was the bad service she got from her OWN insurance company. NONE of our companies would EVER leave someone stranded for 4 days with no contact or help after a major claim event such as a house fire!!! I felt sorry for her and thought maybe I should get her with one of my companies!

Here’s the video and full story from local TV station – WSMV – Channel 4.

Trust me, if you or one of our customers have a house fire such as you have seen in this example, we’ll be in touch almost immediately to help you. I often personally go to the scene of a fire while it is still be drenched in water from the fire department to see where I can help. We can move quickly to help you as you will see in our blog release next week titled: Who Will Pay My Rent After My Residence Catches Fire!? We will go into detail in that posting how we help in this type of event!

Let us help you if you need any other insurance. Contact our staff at 615.377.1212 or EMAIL us at …. The way we see it, if we don’t service the customers we insure, we’re really not worth the policy we insured them with. Here’s hoping this agent in the video gets better service in the future. If not, we’re ready to help her!

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