February 14th – a chance at love & romance! February 15th – Last chance to enroll for health insurance during this enrollment We’re coming to the close of this 3 month health insurance enrollment period. After enrollment ends this Sunday, only those with a qualifying life event will be eligible to enroll in an Affordable […]
Which will happen to you?
It’s not a question of “IF!” It’s a question of “WHICH ONE!” Then one asks – “Are you prepared for any of the three? Americans may face several financial risks before and during retirement. Earlier in life there are 3 major risks that individuals and families face, but each risk tends to get smaller over […]
Distracted Driving Kills. Don't Let This Happen To You…
I’m the parent of 4 grown children who are now adults in their 30’s. My wife and I have stressed that when they are behind the wheel of a car, they control their destiny and possibly the destiny of others by how they drive. And I’m sure they are tired of especially hearing me say […]
Brentwood High School Gets It. Texting & Driving Don't Mix!
We have all heard a lot about texting while driving. We are hearing so much these days from those who encourage us all not to do it! Here are some of the reasons why. The statistics are staggering! In mid-December, I was passing by Brentwood High School on my way to work. I saw the […]