Imagine this: You’ve just gotten into an automobile accident. Along with dealing with any physical injuries and worrying about the damage to your car, you may also be concerned that your auto insurance rates will go up. Car insurance is one of those things where you’re not assuming you’re going to use it when you […]
Get Ready – 2015 coverage enrollment begins this Saturday!
This Saturday – Affordable Care Act (ACA) 90 day registration window opens! The next 90 days is YOUR TIME if you are needing healthcare coverage for you and your family. The new effects of the ACA are trickling down to the point that this enrollment affects us all in some form or the other. People […]
Many think of November as DEER month! Deer hunting season begins in our area and the deer come from nowhere to meet your car! We probably have more deer claims in November than any other month of the year. The deer are ‘frisky’ in November 🙂 and they don’t use their best judgement with oncoming […]
FAQ? Your Insurance Questions Answered!
Ever wondered: “Will my automobile policy protect a friend or relative if I loan my vehicle to them?” How about: “Do I need to buy insurance from the rental car company if I have my own personal automobile insurance?” Answers to these questions along with many more are readily available on your computing instrument on […]