(615) 377-1212

Benton White Insurance Privacy Statement

At our insurance agency, we value your privacy. We are committed to properly safeguarding consumer personal information and using it only in ways necessary for servicing or better understanding our customers and potential customers. Here are some key points from our privacy practices:

  1. Collection of Personal Information: We may collect various categories of personal information, including:
    • Personal Identifiers: Name, address, social security number, email address, and more.
    • Personal Characteristics: Gender, medical information, driving record, etc.
    • Commercial Information: Insurance policy details, purchasing history, etc.
    • Biometric Information: Voice prints, photos.
    • Internet or Network Activity: Interactions with websites, IP addresses, cookies.
    • Geolocation: Physical addresses, phone numbers.
    • Audio, Electronic, Visual, Thermal, Olfactory Information: Call or video recordings.
    • Professional and Employment Information: Job titles, work history.
    • Education Information: School attended, marital status, etc.
  2. Use of Information: We limit access to personally identifiable information and use it only for necessary purposes, such as servicing policies, understanding customer needs, and complying with legal requirements.
  3. Online and Mobile Privacy: Our privacy practices extend to offline, online, and mobile environments. Specific provisions related to online and mobile privacy can be found in our privacy statement.
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